How Grubs Can Ruin Your Lawn Quickly
Identifying Symptoms of Grub Damage
Grubs can devastate your lawn fast, leaving behind brown, irregular patches in late spring or early fall. These dead spots peel back easily, much like carpet, and attract birds, moles, raccoons, and skunks that dig through the grass in search of grubs.
What Are Lawn Grubs?
Lawn grubs are the larvae of various beetles, usually white or gray with brown heads and dark hind parts. They have three pairs of legs, which differentiates them from legless billbug grubs. Adult beetles emerge in late spring to early summer, and their larvae live beneath your lawn’s surface, feeding on the roots.
Effective Grub Control for Lawns
To effectively combat grub infestations, treatments must penetrate the protective layers of grass, leaves, thatch, and soil. Applying a granular insecticide and watering it into the soil ensures that the treatment reaches the grubs below. Regular monitoring and timely applications are key to preventing further lawn damage.
Grub & Mole Control
Mole Control
Prevent Moles from Destroying Your Lawn
Signs of a Mole Infestation
Moles can wreak havoc on your lawn by creating tunnels just beneath the surface, causing raised soil and sod. Affected areas feel soft and uneven when you walk across them, a clear sign of mole activity.
Identifying Moles
Moles are easily recognizable by their short, stocky bodies covered in velvety fur. They have pointed snouts, large front feet, and sharp, rounded claws designed for digging through the soil.
Effective Mole Control
The most effective way to eliminate moles is to remove their food source—grubs. By eradicating grubs, moles often abandon the area in search of food elsewhere. Spring Touch offers specialized bait treatments that target and kill moles, helping to protect your lawn from further damage.